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Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, highly-flammable gas. Hydrogen reacts with every oxidizing element. Reactions with Hydrogen are dangerous and may cause fire or explosion. Gas/Air mixtures are explosive. Hydrogen is not toxic, but it is an asphyxiate and will cause suffocation as it displaces the oxygen from the air. High concentrations hydrogen in the air cause a deficiency of oxygen which can result in dizziness, unconsciousness, or death. Hydrogen levels in the air are usually measured in parts per million (ppm).
The FIS3042 series is a great quality/price ratio safety device, able to provide one or two alarms when a defined level of hydrogen is reached in ambient conditions. It gets the SB-42A-11 gas sensor inside. It is available in either a naked version or with a waterproof case - see table below.
Main Features
- Target Gas: Hydrogen
- Supply voltage: 5 ± 0.25V DC
- Output: single or double alarm signal provided with CMOS output
- Alarm concentration: FIS3042-00NC: single alarm @ 6000ppm - FIS3042-99NC: 1st alarm @ 3000ppm, 2nd alarm @ 6000ppm
- Concentration output: NO
- Water-proof housing: NO
- High temperature: 120℃ for 10 seconds
- Operating temperature range: -10 ~ 50℃
- Storage temperature range: -40 ~ 60℃
- Should not be exposed to organic solvents such as IPA, and silicon compound
AVAILABLE Configurations:
Models |
Target Gas |
First Alarm |
Second Alarm |
Concentration |
Case |
FIS3042-00NC-60 |
H2 |
6000ppm H2 |
NO |
NO |
NO |
FIS3042-00C4-60 |
H2 |
6000ppm H2 |
NO | NO | YES |
FIS3042-99NC-30/60 |
H2 |
3000ppm H2 | 6000ppm H2 | Available | NO |
FIS3042-99C4-30/60 |
H2 |
3000ppm H2 | 6000ppm H2 | Available | YES |
- Applications
- BrandsNissha-FIS®
- Target GasHydrogen - H2
- TypePrecalibrated Module
- TechnologyCatalitic
- FittingOthers