Quickly & Easily Measure Halitosis With High Precision
- High sensitivity and accuracy
- Easy operation & fast halitosis measurement
- Easy on patients
- Maintenance free
- Sophisticated data management software included
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OralChroma separates volatile sulfur compounds in oral breath into three major chemicals (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide) and measures their concentration. This feature is greatly helpful to identify halitosis and confirms the treatment effect. Over 2000 sets of OralChroma have been supplied to dentists, universities, and laboratories in the world since 2002. Since OralChroma uses gas chromatography technology, causes of halitosis can be precisely analyzed to confirm breath odor diagnostics treatment. DataManager is graphical software that provides halitosis strength level measurements & assists in managing patients' data history. The device works by having a patient blow into a disposable syringe-like container, which is then inserted into the OralChroma device for analysis. The device provides a readout of the concentrations of each VSC, allowing for targeted treatment and intervention. The progress and effectiveness of treatment can be easily understood through numerical values and graphs. This is helpful when explaining to patients. Two real-time measuring view models are available. Simple mode (as shown below): A simple bar graph display. Chromatogram mode: A full-range chromatogram display. Insert the supplied syringe up to the stopper into the oral cavity and hold the syringe between the front teeth. Close mouth tightly. Wait 30 seconds to one minute to have Slowly pull the plunger, push it in and pull it out again before removing the syringe from the mouth. Wipe the top of the Inject the remaining oral OralChroma CHM-2 (Blue: CHM-2-BL, Pink: CHM-2-PK) Following components included in volatile sulfur compounds: Simple gas chromatography using semiconductor gas sensor Manual sampling with a syringe 1.0cc 10 to 30℃ -20 to 60℃ 100 to 240V AC、50/60Hz 60VA USB 4 minutes ng/10ml and ppb 80% RH or less (no condensation) 280(W)×170(H)×385(D) (mm) 4kg OralChromaDataManager
Three major halitosis components are hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide. The OralChroma measures Volatile Sulfide Components (VSC) in the breath and separates them into the above three components.
Data Management Software Included (DataManager)
Measurement History View
Breath Measurement View
Easily sample breath using syringe
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
enough oral gas.
Step 4
Step 5
syringe with a tissue.
Eject the remaining gas
until it reaches 1.0ml (cc)
bu pushing the plunge
Step 6
gas into the inlet of the
OralChroma. The
measurement will start
automatically. Demo videos
Tech info
1.Hydrogen sulfide 2.Methyl mercaptan 3.Dimethyl sulfide
- Applications
- BrandsNissha-FIS®
- Target GasVSC
- Medical equipmentAnalysers